Buy Single Black Dad
The Book
Aye!!!! Welcome to my blog and website. My name is Jamaal and I am the proud father for two little girls who live with me full time, Ayanna and Amanyi. I've been a single full time father since 2012.
I started this blog because a couple of years ago, I went online to find other stories of Black men who raise their kids full time as single parents. And...
...I found zip. Zero. Nothing.
Surely, there were other men out there like me who raise their kids full time. We all know the stereotypes of Black men as fathers. And this can be no further from the truth.
So, I started my blog to tell my stories. And in the couple years that I've been writing these blogs, I've found that my experiences are just like the single parent experiences of everyone else. Men, women, White, Black, Purple. We all are going through this thing called Single Parent Life.
So, these are some of my stories. I don't have it all together. This is not a how to guide to raise your kids. Because I make some mistakes as a parent. However, hopefully through my stories you can get some insight of the life of a Single Black Dad.
Read and discuss.